Monday, September 29, 2008

Let me encourage you....

It seems today that a lot of people have some really big problems going on in their life. Even though we are Christians, we are not exempt from problems in our families, our health or our finances. But, the good news is, that we have our faith in the Word of God ! No matter what you may be facing, there is no problem too big for God! He has an answer to every situation that could be troubling you today!
Let me encourage you to get a hold of God & His Word concerning your situation. Find out what God has to say about it ! He DOES have something to say! Begin to meditate on God’s Word & speak it out of your mouth. I can promise you it will make a difference!
Many times people just try to do whatever they can to get through their problems. I know that we should do all we can in the natural to help ourselves, but I also know it is of even more importance that we take the time to include God in our lives. We must ask for His participation!
After all, we can do what we are able to, but we have our limitations. The good news is that with God NOTHING is impossible. We all need His strength & guidance to live our lives in the way God intended for us to! He wants us to live abundant lives!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

A healthy marriage benefits your children!

Having a healthy marriage is not just a luxury item, it's something we should strive for and expect. Researchers have determined that having a healthy, happy, fulfilling marriage benefits all family members. Below are statistics from research by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Healthy Marriage Initiative.

We believe God knew these benefits existed with the marriage of man and woman and that is why He instituted it. Modern research simply echoes what God says in His Word.

Researchers have found many benefits for children and youth who are raised by parents in healthy marriages, compared to unhealthy marriages, including the following statistics:

~More likely to attend college
~More likely to succeed academically
~Physically healthier
~Emotionally healthier
~Less likely to abuse drugs or alcohol
~Less likely to commit delinquent behaviors
~Less likely to be a victim of physical or sexual abuse
~Be open and honest with the couples you help
~Seek wisdom and understanding from God
~Have a better relationship with their mothers and fathers
~Decreases their chances of divorcing when they get marriedp
~Less likely to become pregnant as a teenager, or impregnate someone
~Less likely to be sexually active as teenagers
~Less likely to contract STD's
~Less likely to be raised in poverty

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Great Marriage Tips

~Keep God FIRST!
~Pray Together!
~Respect and honor each other!
~Encourage each other to grow together!
~Read the Bible together as much as possible!
~Be swift to hear & slow to speak!
~Make time to communicate with each other!
~Protect and honor your marriage vows!
~Do not let others come between your marriage!
~Have a "Mission Statement" for your Marriage & Family!
~Thank God everyday for your Mate & the Life you have together!
~Understand that "love" is a choice, not a feeling!(You must choose everyday to Love your mate)

Teaching The Teacher

One day a 6 year old girl was sitting in a classroom. The teacher was going to explain evolution to the children. The teacher asked a little boy.

TEACHER: Tommy do you see the tree outside?
TEACHER: Tommy, do you see the grass outside?
TEACHER: Go outside and look up and see if you can see the sky.
TOMMY: Okay.(He returned a few minutes later) Yes, I saw the sky.
TEACHER: Did you see God?
TEACHER: That's my point. We can't see God because he isn't there! He doesn't exist.

A little girl spoke up and wanted to ask the boy some questions. The teacher agreed and the little girl asked:

LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the tree outside?
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy do you see the grass outside?
TOMMY: Yessssss (getting tired of the questions by this time).
LITTLE GIRL: Did you see the sky?
TOMMY: Yessssss
LITTLE GIRL: Tommy, do you see the teacher?
LITTLE GIRL: Do you see her brain?
LITTLE GIRL: Then according to what we were taught today in school, she must not have one!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Parenting Tips

Answered by Dr. James Dobson
Q. Is there an age when you begin to spank?

A. There is no excuse for spanking babies or children younger than 15 to 18 months of age. Even shaking an infant can cause brain damage and death at that delicate age! But midway through the second year (18 months), boys and girls become capable of knowing what you’re telling them to do or not do. They can then very gently be held responsible for how they behave. Suppose a child is reaching for an electric socket or something that will hurt him. You say, “No!” but he just looks at you and continues reaching toward it. You can see the mischievous smile on his face as he thinks, I’m going to do it anyway! I’d encourage you to speak firmly so that he knows he is pushing past the limits. If he persists, slap his fingers just enough to sting. A small amount of pain goes a long way at that age and begins to introduce children to realities of the physical world and the importance of listening to what you say.

Through the next 18 months, you gradually establish yourself as the benevolent boss who means what you say and says what you mean.
Contrary to what you have read in popular literature, this firm but loving approach to child rearing will not harm a toddler or make him violent. To the contrary, it is most likely to produce a healthy, confident child.